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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hyperice Foam Roller and Massage Ball

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

Our favourite Yogi, Doug, gives us a top-to-toe trigger point session with Hyperice's vibrating foam roller and ball, don't miss it!

Last night we were lucky enough to have the @thedownwarddoug take over our Instagram to show us how to get the most out of Hyperice's vibrating foam roller and massage ball.

If you missed it you can re-visit his 30-min session right here on the Battle Cancer IGTV channel, and in the meantime here are our highlights and key takeaways!

The Products

The products Doug uses in this session are Hyperice's:

  • Vyper 2.0 Vibrating Foam Roller

  • Hypersphere Vibrating Massage Ball

...but you can follow along with any foam roller or ball you may have at home as Scott did.

"The more time you spend on your body, the better you get to know your own body" - The Downward Doug

Control your own intensity

Get to know your body! Search out sensation in your muscles as you roll, ease into movements and understand your trigger points. You'll probably find discrepancies between your two legs or different sides of your body. This is what you're after - feedback from your muscles that will help you get to know your body.

Work on the areas that don't get enough love but use your exhale to breathe through any intensity and control the pressure to aid in recovery and not put too much stress on the body - perfect for active recovery!

Don't forget to floss!

Stimulate blood flow and work out kinks in the fascia that get bunched up. Think about the fascia like a web that sits over the muscles. Like a knitted jumper, if one thread gets pulled it will bunch. Work up and down, then side to side, this is the 'flossing'.

The foam roller on a large surface area will result in less pressure, reach for the massage ball to get more intensity and to pinpoint specific areas.

Vibrations are your friend

The vibration from the Hyperice Vyper foam roller and Hypersphere confuses the sensation in the muscle so it doesn't feel as uncomfortable, allowing you to roll a little longer and hard than you would with an ordinary roller or ball.

The vibrations work hard to really get into the muscle for even more bang for your buck when it comes to rolling sessions.


Check out Doug's entire flow for a full body roller session you can do in under 30 minutes and let us know how you get on.

For all your recovery needs, you can follow Doug and Hyperice on Instagram at:



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