Back in September, we ran an online Berlin City League. Our winners were Snatch Me If You Can, four athletes from CrossFit box, Frontline Berlin - Jan, Natalie, Ben and Micha. Congratulations guys!
We asked them to write us a few words about who they are, why they got involved, and their own personal experiences with cancer. Here's what they shared...
We are four Berliners with a passion for CrossFit. Natalie is a coach in our box and a muscle-up machine. Meanwhile Ben and Micha compete among the title assault bike destroyers. Both of them eat-up the calories on the assault bike like "Pacman". Jan is crazy for pullups and jumps on every bar that is around!
We participated in Battle Cancer because we loved the idea of fighting cancer in a fun way. Cancer is a horrible event in life that two of us have experience with.
Ben had some unfortunate experiences with cancer among his families. He has done CrossFit for more than two years now and likes the community idea. Besides exceeding your own limits and having fun at the same time it keeps you f****** fit.
"Since my sister works in cancer research and I have already lost my grandpa to cancer. I saw Battle Cancer as an ideal platform to do sports, motivate other people and do something good. Recently, my uncle was also diagnosed with abdominal cancer, which has drastically changed his life, the life of his wife, who is already in a wheelchair, and our family. I really appreciate the commitment of the Battle Cancer team and thank them for the opportunity to be a part of a fantastic community." - Ben
Also, we were very happy that the Battle Cancer Team found a way to conduct an online competition that made us able to help collect donations for cancer charities either.
Especially in these unusual times where a global pandemic rules our life and other diseases might be forgotten. We organised a raffle in our CrossFit Box to both collect as much donations as possible and to reach more people with the idea of Battle Cancer.
Fortunately, we were able to convince some well-known companies to take part in our raffle by donating special prizes. Furthermore, some of our coaches and members offered individual training sessions like Muscle-up Training, osteopathic sessions and so on as great prizes for the raffle.
The feedback was totally overwhelming. Besides the money we collected to support the cancer charities, we had many pleasant conversations about the topic but also about the fact what we can achieve if we act together. Big thanks to all who supported our team, Battle Cancer and the cancer charities!
A huge thank you to the team for taking part and for raising an enormous €649 for cancer charities in Berlin. We hope to see you next year at Beach Mitte in September!
Check out Battle Cancer Berlin 2021 and buy your ticket here.